1) It forces me to lean on God’s grace to be able to train – i.e. general good health, healing when I get sick/injured, time/opportunity to train, buddies who offer encouragement/advice, etc
2) Once in a while, for the briefest moment, it all comes together and it could be in the swim, bike or run. I am pretty sure we have all entered the “zone” (some more than others) where it feels like we are slipping thru the water like a fish, flying on the bike like a road devouring monster, or running with effortless grace. For me, the moment is very brief and rare in indeed, but it happens often enough to help me want to go on in days when I feel like I am flopping/splashing in the water, grinding the gears on my bike, dragging my feet in the run.
3) It models the Intentional Discipleship approach to the Christian walk, which incidentally is what prompted me to start this blog last year. Training for a triathlon requires intentional, disciplined, and balanced training in 3 disciplines – the swim, the bike and the run. Intentional Discipleship also requires intentional, disciplined, and balanced training in 3 disciplines – putting God first, relationship with God (QT: reading His word and prayer), relationship with others (ministry and evangelism).
4) It helps move my life out of the runt of work/kids/sleep and into a more “full” life, and I believe this is the reason that Jesus came (John 10:10)– to reconcile us to God so that we may have a taste of the Kingdom of God: i.e. no more darwfed goals, no more living by sight (e.g. I just don’t see myself doing a tri), no more being defeated by the pressures/desires of the world, no more moping around feeling like I haven’t got a life, etc… In short, it beats sitting in front of the TV or PC, getting fat and lazy. (Yes, I am speaking from personal experience here.) ;)
5) It helps me to consistently model a healthy filestyle for my kids.
6) Training helps me work out the “kinks” from the daily stress build-up, makes me a nicer person to be with at home.
7) It encourages humility – everytime I start thinking of myself as a triathlete, I remember all of you out there who have a full-time job (that includes full-time mums of course), family/social commitments, commitments to share your experiences via your blogs, and are still training daily towards their ironmen/women goals, and it puts me right back at my place.
8) It opens the door to a new social circle, and helps tremendously to expand my perspective on things.
9) It gives me the platform to blog about what I do and who I am. Someone said it is therapeutic to blog, and I quite agree! ;)
10) Last, but probably most importantly, it is the perfect excuse to get cool toys like a flashy new bike, the Polar 625X, and sexy aero bars. ;)
Thanks guys/gals for letting me share your journeys.
U forgot 11) Looks good while training in the spandex or any technical gears you wear :)
I agree whole heartedly with number 1.
Hi Cliff, judging by your photos from the marathon, that is probably true for you, but I can't claim the same for me. ;)
Cool blog indeed! Definitely v inspiring to me and hahah i expect to see some "progress reports" on the swim drills... gotta put in some hard work before you qualify for Swim102.
'the mysterious swim buddy'
Hi Keith (oops), the swim drills may only start next week. Sigh... looks like a no training week thanks to this head cold. :(
It's so encouraging to see you put God and your faith so high up and that it's all interweaved into your training. Training has given me the opportunity to have a lot of quiet time with God, but I have difficulty sharing that aspect of my life with others. Hopefully, I'll continue to draw inspiration from you! :)
Hi Susan, isn't the Internet wonderful? I wonder how people cope before there were blogs. ;)
Chris, it is quite the other way around - I have been drawing my inspiration from your blog for some time now. Thanks for the encouragement. God is so gracious that I cannot but talk (blog) about it sometimes! :)
This may be my favorite post of yours I have read, and I have read a lot of them.
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