This post is for all of you who so kindly dropped by the last few day.
Thanks guys/gals for the wonderful prayer support, encoragement, well wishes and intuition. My older boy (R1, 5 yrs old) is back to school today, whereas the younger one (R2, 3 yrs old) is resting at home. Thanks particularly to
Ellie and
Tom for giving me a rap on the knuckles from trying to read God's will thru falling sick. I must admit that's pretty silly of me - must be the nausea affecting my thought process.
Sorry I might not have given the full picture when it comes to the circumstances around thinking that perhaps I should stop training. It started with
the lousy week of rain, where I got so desperate to train that it was pretty much the only thing on my mind. And we know that's a dangerous situation to be in - having something occupying all my thoughts and it ain't God. Then the rain stopped, and I had
a bad weekend of training, followed by a bout of cold (another week of no training), followed by
R1 getting hospitalised, followed by
R2 and I getting food poisoning/stomach flu. When things come one after the other like that, I usually start thinking if God is having difficulty getting to me again. (
Tom, you ain't the only one hard of hearing in this area!) :)

I must admit that I was not thinking straight - have not been myself lately. Someone once said that we should not try to see God's will through circumstances around us, instead we are to look upon the circumstances around us through understanding His will. I have been a clown doing the former instead of the latter, and I want to thank you for jolting me out of that. Here I am thinking that maybe I should stop, when my QT keeps saying "redemption, victory over the adversary, healing...". ;)
It's good to have buddies who continue to encourage and who will not hesitate to set me right. Thanks again!
Sometimes, the problems that we face is God trying to get to us. Quite often when i don't have problems, I quickly forget about God. Be it a prayer or reading my Bible. It is his way of saying "hey I am still here".
God does not give us problems without giving us the potential to find the solutions. i am starting to underatnd what it means by relying on God (faith).
Hi Cliff, wise words...
sigh, now R1 is also puking...
Now that's the attitude we like to see!
Thanks flatman/jessie, work and family pressures are making it a little hard to cope right now, but I will re-surface in a few days!
Life is full of ups and downs. Training is just another part of life. Haven't we all had those times when we felt near invincible, only to have something turn those good feelings into depressed soul searching?
I think it's safe to say that you work pretty hard to balance everything, and sometimes things get out of whack. Since I'm quite certain I'll never be a threat to the elite athletes, my training and racing are always testaments to God's grace and power. Two of my races were completed while sick or injured, because God had a reason for me to finish.
After each, I had to breaks that were longer than I liked, because I needed the break. God allowed me to rest, than provided the impetus to get back into training.
Take the time for God, family, and work. Sometimes, our "breaks" can be rough periods, after which God helps us get back on track. Just ask Jonah.
Thanks for sharing Kewl Nitrox. I've never heard of viewing things in that way before. It's definitely food for thought.
KN - you are tough. The curve balls are only temporary and with your faith and strength you will come out of it an even stronger person!
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