Here's what I learnt from the Psalmist:
"I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure," Psalm 16:8-9
But that's not all I wanna tell you today, what I really want to tell you is that I FINALLY went out and ran 7km today! Yay! Praise God! Ok, so it is quite a gap from my last run of 12km, but I guess I have to start from somewhere and start building up the distance 10% at a time...
So, I headed out in the rain, and as I was running, I thought about the friendship and encouragement so gracously offered to me via this blogging group. I thought about the many like minded people out there juggling life, running/tri, blogging, I thought about...
- Cliff and your victory over cancer with the grace of God and the passion with which you are pursuing life,
- Commodore and how you are making a difference with Team Tri-Geek Dreamers,
- Tri-MaMa and your kind and level minded advice,
- Chris and what you has achieved before and the comeback you are waging now,
- Nancy Toby and how well you did in the Marathons in 2005 and your irrepressible humour
- Running Pol and the constant encouragement so readily offered, and your commitment to do a the Trinity Tri despite the pressures of a new baby at home
- My Mysterious Swim Guru Buddy who so kindly gave me a freebie swim lesson and keeps coming back to encourage me
- Mr Sanguine and hoping that you are avoiding the greasy burgers and hitting the gym :)
- Mica and... your balaclava! ;)
- Ellie, your warm, wise words and your exciting life as a full-time RV traveller
- Bold and your BLACK fridge :)
- Flatman and your beautiful new bike
- Susan and your no-holds-barred yet very amusing posts
- Wylee and how you are so NOT the basic average midwestern girl :)
- Keryn, your lovely boy and your amazing depth of knowledge of the Chinese culture
- Ironbenny and your dependable, pragmatic, no-nonsence advice and approach
- Mia and your beautiful Anna
- Tammy, who somehow I always picture gobbling a pizza on a Lightspeed Blade ;)
- It's Only Fuel and how your site always makes me hungry
- Steven and how we seem to be waiting forever to set our eyes on your Scott Plasma Pro :)
- dgc, your kind encouragement and your love to run
- Jesse and your open, honest posts
- Jen and your always kind words
- Linae, and how I must have shocked you in your first visit to my blog with the news about R1
- Bunnygirl and your pictures of the bunny :)
- Robin and how you were trying to cram a run into your hectic business travel :)
(Sorry if I missed anyone, it wasn't a very long run.) :)
Then, I hit the halfway point, and my thoughts went to the usual "God, please help me to finish this run". But the important thing is I DID! Praise God!
Woo..glad your son is ok :)
Are you sure Keryn ain't Chinese?? :) I gotta go test her Chinese culture.
Wow...that's a lot to think about on a short run! Thanks for the mention! Glad the throat issue cleared itself up!
What a kind listing! Well done. Glad everything worked out for your son.
Those runs are a really great time to reflect on things. I do some of my best QT while out there training. I'm glad you had a great workout! :)
Thanks again Guys/Gals! The boys are well and in a few hours we are off to our annual Chinese New Year reunion dinner with my parents(basically our version of Thanksgiving) in a few hours. Yay! Praise God! This is one dinner where I will not be holding back on. :)
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL and have a blessed year of the dog!
You really have had a week! I'm glad the fishbone resolved itself, but it must have been pretty scary for the little one. Is everyone back in good health again? Nice run too, and that was a nice post about the bloggers, there is a lot of support out there, isn't there? Eat some good food for me!
Great job on the run! Hope you enjoyed your dinner--Happy New Year! :)
Awww...glad I can virtually fuel your training:D
Happy news about your son, hope it stays positive:)
Thanks ladies! Boys are a-OK. Praise God!
Thinking about my fellow bloggers really did make the run seem shorter - well, half the run anyway. ;)
It's good to hear that R1 managed to dislodge that fishbone on his own. It's scary enough having a bone in your own throat. It's worse when it's a child.
I'll keep the whole general health issue in my prayers. Toddler Pol is fighting another touch of something. I had the honor of sleeping on the floor next to his bed for several hours, last night. Congestion was keeping him up. Having me next to him helped him fall asleep.
Glad to hear you got out running, as well. I'm going to pull back the running a bit and put more time into swimming. There aren't any races in the next few months that aren't doable already. But there is that swim coming up in June...
First, glad the bone dislodged. Second, great run. GOOD FOR YOU. You did it! And yes, you have to start somewhere and build that back up! Be careful on the build up back...that was my issue coming back off my sprained ankle. You will get there. With patience and determination you will get there.
I use my cycling and running times to talk to God and pray. When i start to lag, I use verse as mantra. My favorites are of course "I can do all things through God, who strengthens me" and the other is, "Today is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it."
They seem to have been written for my breathing cadence.
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