So this is an urgent CODE 10 plea for prayer support for my family - please pray for healing, protection and for discernment (Am I doing what pleases God? Does He want me to quit trying for the Olympic Distance Triathlom?).
Batter up!
Intentional Discipleship & Triathlon Training in Singapore - Learning to walk in faith and to balance family, work and triathlon training. Your prayer support is kindly appreciated :)
Intentional Discipleship & Triathlon Training in Singapore - Learning to walk in faith and to balance family, work and triathlon training. Your prayer support is kindly appreciated :)
I get food poisoning fairly often since I tend to eat lots of steamed or grilled chicken. I don't get the since that God is shying me away from triathlon because of the food I eat. Plus if you have been praying and meditating on triathlon you should have a good idea of what God is speaking to your heart.
I pray for your good health. and that of your boys. Hard to figure out which is worse right now eh?
I pray that you and your family will be well soon.
Sending some positive healing energy out for you and your family! Take care of each other!
Ugh. Nothing knocks you out quite like food poisoning. Hope the lil' one feels better soon!
Well, I'm about the worst one to help with hearing God's plan. Just ask anyone about my hearing problems for the 5 years after high school.
It may be that you need the rest or that you need the time with family. God will nudge you in the right direction. If you listen, that's all it takes. I've found that the serious whacks up aside the head are only required when we're really deaf to God's will (hence the broken jaw that pushed me in the right direction).
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. I'll tell Toddler Pol to pray for your little one, as they are about the same age.
Remember, your involvement in triathlons has been a part of your ministry. It reaches many people, and God is surely smiling for it.
Maybe He's getting you to rest up for more training. Or maybe life just isn't perfect and sometimes stuff happens. I don't think God makes us sick to get us to listen... I think sometimes we just eat bad chicken. I think He's rooting for all of you to get well, so the kids can feel better and so you can get on with your athletic ministry. Praying for your recovery and your peace at heart!
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