Just when I had pretty much recovered and was comtemplating a long ride, Life throws us a cruve ball. My older son (5) got warded on Sunday, and the wife & I had to cancel our dinner date prescribed by
Tri-Mama and
Chris in
my earlier post. Of course training took a back seat while I accompanied my son during his hospital stay.
A few frantic SMS'es later, I got my entire Care Group praying for my boy - another wonderful reason to join a Care Group or Fellowship Group. Praise God that prayer works! He is discharged now and we only have a follow-up with the doctors in 2 weeks. He actually enjoyed the cartoons and all the attention in the hospital, so all in all, it was not a totally negative experience for him. On the other hand, I did not sleep much on the squeaky couch - it must be a global health care requirement, don't think I have ever been to a hospital where the couch does not squeak. :)
Well, if Life thinks he (she?) can put a damper to my QT/training with curve balls, he/she has got it coming, because my God is a both loving God and a vengeful Judge. :) It's off to bed for me and, God willing, I get to (finally) kick-start my training tomorrow.
"Tomorrow... Tomorrow... I'll luv ya, tomorrow... You're always a day a-way..."EDIT: Forgot to mention the key role of prayer (in YELLOW above) and the ernest intercession of my Care Group. Must be lack of sleep...
Hi Keryn, not a silly question at all, and thanks for the concern. He had some pain and pretty bad swelling in a rather awkward body part (shall preserve his dignity by not mentioning details). :) Initial diagnosis was that surgery may be needed, but, Praise God, the scans showed that everything is ok and the swelling is coming down. Doctors suspect an infection.
Glad to hear that all is well. Prayers do work!
Thanks for the reminder. Started this post with the intention of sharing about the prayer intercession of the Care Group and somehow missed it in the 1st iteration. I blame the lack of sleep last night. Yawn.........
Thank you for your prayers and Praise God indeed! :)
Glad everything is okay!
Oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear your little one was sick. That is scary! Glad to know he's better now though. Was it something contagious?
I pray that your son will continue to heal and you get some sleep.
Glad he is out of the hospital.
How scary! I was just dropping by to say hi only to find this! Ah! I'm glad to see he is out of the hospital. Take care of yourself.
I'm so glad to hear that your son is doing ok!
Now back to that point of making it up to the Mrs...! :)
Well, after reading the comments, I'm glad to see that everything is okay! Wooee, that must have been scary.
Take care of him (and yourself) and reschedule that dinner date! :)
It's amazing how these little ones can change our thinking on many things. I got an early wake up call when Toddler Pol had a bad dream. It didn't even faze me that it took 20 minutes to identify and resolve the issue (two small bears and a firetruck in bed, and a ring of stuffed toys to guard the bed).
Rather than be grumpy about the wakeup, I spent the time calming him and then headed to the YMCA for swimming and biking.
I'm willing to bet that your wife is okay with breaking the date to work through sick child issues. And she'll probably be that much more impressed when you take care of rescheduling...
Hi all, thanks for the prayers and well wishes. Praise God that he is much betta now. I don't think it is contagious (did not cross my mind to ask), but I feel a bit nauseous today - could be just lack of sleep...
You are right, will have to re-schedule the dinner. :)
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