Here goes...
- I have been blogging since Feb 2005, and this is my ever 1st tag, and it comes from my good buddy IRL (In Real Life). That's either weird or I am downright boring (I fear it may be the 2nd - and, no, I did not ask to be tagged, that would be too sad even for me).
- I MUST wash my feet before I get into bed. Even if I wake up in the night for a sip of water, or I forget my ear plugs/eye mask, I MUST wash my feet before I get back into bed.
- Which brings us to... I wear ear plugs and a eye mask every night when I sleep. Even if it is dead silent and pitch dark. I don't like being woken up in the night by flashing lights and strange noises - which incidentally happened in a hotel in India (power trip turned on everything - lights, TV, etc), so I would be careful if I were you, Mr Sanguine. :P
- Most people think I am an extrovert, but I am a closet introvert at heart. I seem to like to meet people and work with different sorts of people (job requirement), I talk a lot in social occasions (I am deathly afraid of awkward silences), but on my own time, I don't like to meet new people, and I prefer sports where one competes with self rather than with others (e.g. Triathlons). Even in triathlon training, I don't belong to a tri club, I just prefer to do my own thing, at my own pace, at my own time/place.
- When I travel for business, and have to get a room service dinner, it is ALWAYS a club sandwitch, no matter which city/hotel I am in. Ok, maybe this last one is not so strange, but just plain sad when you consider the variety of great food we have in Asia.

Not sure what is the blog etiquette here so I will just follow Mr Sanguine's example and just tag 2 of my new internet buddies:
You just descibed me perfectly in number 4... how'd you do that?
After you wash your feet how do you return to bed? Don't your feet touch the floor on the way? Doesn't that make them dirty again? ;) Just curious.
I think there are heaps of closet introverts out there pretending to be extroverts becoz that's what society dictates. It's time for us to come out of the closet!
Now we get to the nasty details... I gingerly tip toe to the bed, keeping the exposed surface area to a minimum. :)
Oh Kewl,
It is not kewl to toument your Christian brother (me) with tags. I ain't the one who lost the wedding ring. :D jokes..hahah..
torment..torment...this Christian bro can't spell either.
Hi! I travel for business sometimes, too. When I travel, I try to eat healthy, but it doesn't always work. And THANKS for your input whilst I was in Alabama. I appreciate it. I didn't run Thursday morning. Took it easy today and will get out there with my Team in Training people tomorrow morning!
Hey mipper, I honestly don't know, I just hate the thot of dirty feet on clean sheets I suppose. Hmmm.. Maybe I can break this habbit if I think a bit more about why...
Good to find a comarade in dark chocolate. ;)
Sorry Cliff, I just had to do it to complete my blogging experience. Very unkewl indeed.
Hey Robin, it's so cool to have a training group. Sometimes training by myself can get a bit undisciplined, but as you now know, I am a bit of a hermit. Gald to hear you rested and am now reasy to ROCK!
My main problem with the hotel in India was bed lice, I woke up after the first night with every bit of my exposed body covered in angry red welts. I was scratching like a dog over the next couple of days.
I dig your thing about washing feet... I have a missus who makes me do the same every single night.
Tagged. Ack! Oh, man... But there is NOTHING strange about me!! I'll have to think hard about this one!
Mr Sanguine: Hope you feel betta soon. Thankfully I don't have that problem - must be my thick skin. ;)
Jessie: LOL I can't believe there is someone else out there that also wears ear plugs and a eye mask! Yay!
Nancy Toby: I can only say "Sorry!". All in the name of having a complete blog experience... ;)
You shld pity me! I am a REAL introvert but society keeps insisting that i am an extrovert and forces me to conform!
I'm a #4 also. There must be so many closet introverts out here, surely we must outnumber the true extroverts...
Happy Sunday!
If you wear slippers or something, do you have to still have to wash your feet before getting into bed? And how do you get from where ever you're washing your feet back into bed before stepping on the ground between? Hmmmm. :)
Maybe I should start a tri club for introverts pretending to be extroverts. We will all ride multi-coloured softrides just to add to our extrovert fascade. :)
And Yes, even with slippers, I gotta wash my feet! Clean feet are bliss!
perhaps #4 lead to #1?
I hope everyone in your family is feeling better soon!
Ha ha ha Elizabeth, that is very good reasoning!
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