- Training gets neglected - just look at my training log at the side bar on the right. :( I think my motivation has dropped significantly since deciding against the Singapore Triathlon. At this point, it looks very much like I will not be doing any Oly Tris this year, only Sprints. Sigh... I am getting a lil burnt out from the business travels and have been away from the family so often that I cannot bear to go off and train by myself when I am back. Perhaps I need to get R1 started on a kid's fun tri next year so I have a betta chance of having time for an Oly Tri... No more excuses I simply have to get back on the saddle and start TRAINING!
- It seems my absence from the kids on business travels and my resulting eagerness to spend time with them when I am back are a lethal combination - I become an over-eager parent who is not used to taking care of them.
So, somehow when I return from business trips to play Dad, accidents happen. The last one was in April when Dad forgot that 3 year olds can't really pull on the brakes on the handlebars. Witness this latest beauty on R2's lower lip - the poor kid fell on his face, almost biting thru his lower lip, this time because Dad was stupid enough to wrap him in a huge towel - impeding his ability to walk - after swimming. Things like this REALLY make me feel like kicking myself. He is a tough lad though - lots of blood and tears at the fall, but now he is eating well and pretty much back to normal. He still complains that one of his front teeth hurts 2 days after the fall, so please pray that his tooth is alrite and do pray for speedy healing for my lil soldier.
- Quiet Time (QT) with the Lord takes a beating. Must confess that I have not been consistent with my QT for the last couple of months now. When it is late at night and I have just got back to the hotel after a LONG day, and I know there is an early start the next day, the temptation to skip QT and just unwind is great. Like the missed training, there are no valid excuses here, I just have to get my act together and prioritize what is important. The fact is that I am too busy NOT to do QT - too many things go wrong then I miss my time of re-balancing my life with the Lord. I just got to remember that!
But enough griping from ol' Nitrox. Train safe everyone and God Speed!
I will pray for yoru little one. He sure looks tough.
As for QT, I have been looking forward to it every night. I started to read Samuel 1 & 2. I am nto sure if u read it before but boy do these books the best. It is like an action in every chapter..war and blood and hatre and...well it got everything. They could made a movie of Saul and David. Very interesting to see thoguh how both of them became God's Annoited One from a nobody and how they react when God showed them things they don't want to see.
As usual, your blog challenges my own convictions.
I'm reminded of a quote that I will not only hack to pieces, but cannot even be sure of attributing it to Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
"I am too busy today not to spend the first 3 hours of it in prayer."
That's a mighty high standard; don't know that I even spend 3 minutes when I'm 'too busy'.
PS I'm still trying to remember to be thankful on the way to/from the train each day.
First, on the kids. As the child of a sailor, I can attest to the fact that it is the time spent with them that they remember. The times you are gone will fade from their memories (my post for today testifies to that). And every parent does things that result in injury. We can't keep our kids from all harm, just minimize the damage and try to comfort them.
Sometimes, quiet time with God will turn into sleep time for you. Our time with God is pointless if we are too out of it to hear what He has to say. If training is out of the question, perhaps a bit earlier wake up would give a bit of your "first fruits" time.
Finally, your dilemma over sprint versus Olympic tri has become my own. August 8th, there is a local sprint (1/4mi, 16 mi, 10K) and Olympic triathlon. I am now toying with the longer race.
Oh.... poor little guy! Good thing kids are able to bounce back soo easily, but it's still hard to wathc them go through it. Your priorities are righ tin line...Your faith, your family. He is the One that provides you with EVERYTHING you need!
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