In case you are wondering, you are looking at my new Timex resting on my worn out and frayed swimming shorts. This picture just about sums up my current state with the swim - old and tired but still posting the lousy time of 28:50 for the measly 1km swim last night. :(
At least now I know it is the kicking (so important to keeping my legs and butt up when I swim) that I have to get used to, so I will be patient and continue to work on them kicking drills. God willing, it should all come together in a couple of months and I should be posting improved swim times.

This is a totally unrelated and rather late picture, but my R1 and R2 looks so cute doing the Chinese New Year Lion Dance that I juat gotta post it. ;) They look rather professional don't you think?
I love the lion!!!!! And you're swimming faster than I am....
28:50 is consider as a lousy time? :(..oh last night i swim 1 km in 30 min. That's a improvement from 40 min last week :)
Cute Lion dance post.
I am ignorant when it comes to swimming (distances and times) so all of you are fast to me! Good news on your children!
You swam 1000 meters in 28 minutes. How far is that? Quick math in head, counting on fingers and toes... 1000 meters, or something like 1100 yards. That would be 44 lengths of the pool.
I'm pretty sure I've never swam 22 laps in any amount of time. If I were to try, it would probably go something like this:
20 minutes for the first 10 laps. 35 minutes for the second 10 laps.
3 minutes for the lifeguard to pull my drowning body from the bottom of the pool.
Small improvements. That's what we all have to look at.
I think that a 28 minute 1K swim is completely respectable! I'm confused though, where is your kick coming from? There should be very little kicking. The one thing that will keep your legs and butt down when you swim is when you push your chest down further into the water. Have you checked out Total Immersion? I know you had talked about it, but don't know if you bought the DVD. Check it out, it will be a very enlightening experience:)
Thanks guys, for the encouragement will keep at the kicking drills. I feel the need... the need for SPEED. ;)
The kick is to keep my feet up, I was dragging them along at the bottom of the pool in the past - hence very slow. I am not using the kick to propel myself, just to improve balance. I am also practicing keeping my head down so that my feet comes up. :) I will watch the TI DVD again this weekend just to make sure I don't miss anything!
Best lion dance I have seen in a long while!!!
Gotta keep up doing drills. Jessie is right about NOT fighting the water. Technique FIRST, speed will come in due course.
Keep this up and you shld be ready for Swim 102 in march! ;p
apart from kicking, you gotta try to balance right so that your feet don't sink. while most good swimmers have good kicks, it is also important to keep pressing down on your sternum area so that your feet pop up. keep training!
Keep swimming!
They look adorable, thanks for posting the picture of R1 and R2.
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