Last week was another good training week in my books. I am updating my training log into the side bar on a weekly basis now (scroll down it is the small table between my archives and links). Here is a "snip" of this week in case you haven't seen it:
W6 | Mon 06/02 | Swim | 1km | 0:28:50 | |||
Wed 08/02 | Run | 9.8km | 1:07:12 | ||||
Fri 10/02 | Swim Drills | 1.35km | Kick/Swim | ||||
Sun 04/02 | Bike | 50.6km | 1:59:57 |
- Mon - Swim (1km). You've read my gripes about how slow I am, so I shan't repeat myself.
- Wed - Run (9.8km). I still can't believe I stopped 200m short of 10km! That's what happens when you run at night and can't read the Polar S625X. :(
- Fri - Swim (drills). Somewhere thru the kicking drills, it occured to me that I have done this before - duh.. of course - SCUBA DIVING! Don't know why it took so long for me to connect the dots in my head, but I scuba dived quite a bit in my younger days and of course we kicked a lot while scuba diving. So I just imagined that I had my flippers on, and that I was snorkelling or scuba diving, and all of a sudden, I was much more relaxed and actually moving faster in the water while kicking. I seriously think I have made some break though here! :)
- Sun - Bike (50.6km). Not sure if it is possible, but I think I am getting slower with every ride! Rode from 10 to 12 at night, nice cool breeze, not much traffic (except for a couple of buses who seen intent to rub shoulders with me - Praise God for continuing to keep me safe), but somehow I just can't get my heart rate up! :(
Hahah see what happens when you stop diving? Aside from NOT being able to enjoy the beauty of the mantas dancing, you also become slower in your tri-swim. hahah.
Keep it up! We'll shoot for a swim 102 in March.
Kicking breakthrough is the best feeling in the world :)
Good job. Slow is better than not moving at all....
I had my own breakthrough, today. Then the water aerobics people showed up, and I went biking.
I had a good day swimming (did 350 yards worth of drills). I managed to do some "skating" without feeling like a goofball. I read through the drills, again, and got my body position right and went back to sweet spot more properly.
I'm glad you feel the kicking coming around. Remember to check back with TI and consider what they have to say.
28 minutes to swim a km is fast compared to my 45 minutes...lol. Its all relative.
Good job on your breakthrough. Once you make those connections everything seems easier - as long as you keep practicing that way. The scuba diving analogy did not even cross my mind. Thanks, I might have to think about that next time I am in the pool.
What do you mean you get slower with every ride? Impossible. What a luxury to not be able to increase your heart rate.
Swim Buddy: Yup, that's what happens when kids come into the picture. :)
Cliff: I feel good! I think I may even be swimming a LITTLE bit faster than before. :)
Tom: Balance is important, and the skating exercises drill that. Even after a few kicking exercises, I feel like my balance is improving - I am not dragging my feet so much now. Let's keep at our drills.
Dawn: Too right, my extreme Type A personality makes me feel slow when others are passing me by. :) And thanks for the encouragement.
qcmier: I remember that the dive instructor taught to visualize diving like a Manta Ray - i.e. do not fight the water. I am starting to understand what it means now not to fight the water and to work with it.
Benny: That's my sad state according to the Polar 625X - average speed has dropped to below 28kph. Not sure if it is stronger cross winds, or my legs getting tired from kicking drills, or what?!?! :( I will try again this weekend.
Cute Cute kiddies!!!! :) Congrats on some great workouts, too!
Those are some really happy faces! Orange looks like their color, and they look totally recovered from being sick, you are blessed.
Thanks Ladies, I am indeed VERY blessed by my R1 ad R2. :)
Ooooo, I like your toy. But I can still have fun w/paper streamers :)
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