How am I doing currently? I am swimming 1500m in the pool now - takes just below 45mins. I am doing 50km rides - takes just below 2 hours (and there are only two hills enroute). I have not even reached 10km in my runs yet, but yesterday I got inspired by all you iron men/women running in the snow/wind/rain, and went for a run in the rain (never gets below 24 degress Celsius here). :) Did 9km (longest run ever) in just under an hour. See what I mean when I say I am SLOW? At this rate I stand a good chance of being the LAST to cross the finish line in July...
The plan is to try to run and swim once a week, and do a swim/bike or bike/run brick in the weekend - basically, total of 2 runs and 2 swims and 1 bike. There is just no time to do more - trust me, I have looked long and hard, but my priorities are my time with the Lord, the job, the family and then only when the kids are napping or sleeping do I train. So far I am failing miserably to do even that - I am lucky to do one swim, one bike and one run a week and sometimes it is even just one run and a swim/bike brick in the weekend.
So I am truly not over-stating it when I say that only the incredible grace of God can help me reach my Triathlon goal in July!
Those are bad times...geez.
I can't even swim 1500 m in the pool. I could but after each lap (50 m) i have to stop to huff and puff.
Bike, I started with 25 km/hr. That's a good pace.
And run 9 km in under and hour...let's assume u did 10 km in an hour. That's 6 min/km.
Those are not slow speed. Remember the goal is to do the distance THEN and focus on time. That's what I have been focus ever since I started running.
I understand with work, God and family (ok...not this part cause i have no kids or wife)...yeah it is all about piroirty..if this is what u do to have fun..then treat it as fun....this means no need to beat yourself missing over one workout...it is FUN...let's keep it that way :)
Hey, those are fine times. As long as you enjoy what you are doing and you are progressing forward and not becoming injured then you are doing great!!!
Like Cliff, I can't swim 1500m, my 10k race pace is 56min and 50km rides take me 1:40 and often 2 hours when taking it a little easier.
Speed is relative. Compared to the speed of the earth relative to the sun, we are all VERY SLOW.
Embrace who you are and be happy with what you have accomplished so far.
You know, July is a long way off, even the least training will help you finish the race-those first races are never about speed or time, it's about finishing the race. Keep it in the "run the race that is set before you" mentality and ask the Lord what he wants to show you with each workout-I find it a good time to meditate, think and pray- then when the day comes to race-just enjoy the life and the grace you have been given.
Hi Cliff, William & Tri-MaMa, thanks for the awesome encouragement & support. I needed that. :)
God help me, because I still have a lot of pride - don't wanna come in last again. There were 4-5 participants representing my company in the New Balance Corporate Triathlon (Sprint Distance) in Oct and I came in last - it was my 2nd sprint triathlon ever and the rest of the guys were all seasoned competitors. Still, it was kinda embarassing... BUT you are right, I should just have fun and revel in God's grace!
Thanks again!
Oh, and Cliff/William, the swim will just come along. Trust me. I struggled a lot with the swim at the beginning of the year. At some points, it got pretty brutal as I told myself that I would finish the laps without stopping even if I was filling my stomach with chlorinated water. :) I remember once a neighbour actually stopped to commend me for not giving up - that was how much I was struggling with the swim!
Like another of my buddy once said "I was drinking so much sea water, I am surprised I got cramps!". That's me - the brutal swimmer. ;)
You're still a faster runner than me! I admire that you are putting your family and God above triathlons and not stressing out about trying to get the extra workouts in.
Seek first His kingdom and all these things shall be added... (like a finish at an Oly tri) :)
Thanks Mica, I love your new baraclava. ;)
Nope... and we are waiting... ;)
Dude, if I was concerned with what category of speed my running time is in, I would have thrown in the towel a few months back. Of course it's in the back of my mind... why can't I be faster?... but then I remember I'm faster than the other 90% of the population because they are sitting on the couch! :P
Keep running/biking/swimming... uh, that's a reverse tri. :)
Thanks Tammy, I tend to forget those still on the couch! :)
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