If I add up all the time in my life spent doing what others expect me to, or worrying about what others think of me, it is a lot of wasted time. But if we all set about doing what we REALLY want to do in our selfish hearts, there would be utter chaos/destruction in the world. I guess that's where religion and laws come in - to regulate our behaviour so we do not destroy ourselves. Except that if all we had were rules to live by, we would end up being miserable because we would'nt be able to do or think that we really wanted to deep down inside.
Perhaps this is where Christ comes in - He came over 2000 years ago to bring the kingdom of God to us here and now. The good news is as simple as this: That when we believe Him and love God with all our soul, and all our strength, and all our mind, and we live our lives to please Him - knowing that His ways are to prosper us and not to harm us - we can find true happiness (peace, joy) EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of our lives!

Merry Christmas everyone! While you are out celebrating a white Christmas, remember those of us experiencing a 40°Celsius (104°Fahrenheit) Christmas here in sunny Australia. :)
Merry Christmas! Have a warm one. I am very envious!
Have a Merry Christmas, made all the more bright by the knowledge that unto us a child is born and unto us a savior has been given. :)
great post. Its past Christmas there now, so hope it was great.
white? I don't see no white! 60F here... I'll take it over the white stuff AND that craziness you are experiencing.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and the family. Hope the trip down under is going well.
Thanks all, just got back last night. Still recovering from the 14 hour train/plane journey with the boys - the wife got upgraded to biz class, I got the boys to myself in cattle class. :)
Christmas holidays was fantastic, details later...
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