This is probably a controversial topic right after Thanksgiving, but being controversial is pretty much ingrained in me, and this is something that has been playing in my mind, so I will just forge ahead. :) Quite a few people I have met recently have been concerned that I am looking much thinner – “are you working too hard?”, “stressed with the kids?”, “are you eating enough?”, etc. Even after I explain that I am exercising more now and doing triathlons the response is usually something like “Don’t over-do it.” or “Eat more!”, or a kinder “don’t lose any more weight”.
Let me first say that I am not one of those people who can eat what they want and not gain weight – that would be my slim sister. I have always been the sibling who seems to put on weight just smelling what my sister eats. But somehow, since starting Sprint Triathlons and now working towards a Olympic Distance triathlon, I have been getting thinner steadily. Not a bad thing at all, but the weird thing is, I am not losing much weight, it’s just all my clothes are getting loose – I think I actually need a whole new wardrobe now (not funny when you consider the extra costs). I remarked the same to a couple of my athletic friends and their answer was that I must be gaining muscle mass. Well, I look into the mirror daily and I sure don’t see much muscle mass so where is everything going?
I must confess that it is pretty annoying to be told that I am losing weight too fast (when technically, I am not - not according to the weighing scale anyway), and especially when I am feeling out of place in clothes that look a couple sizes too big, and at the same time wondering how to find time to train just that little bit more… I know everyone is doing it out of love and concern for me, but it is really starting to make me wonder if there is anything wrong with me? Is what I am going though healthy/normal?

Monday, November 28, 2005
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Scale wise i haven't lose a lb. I do notice a few things. My knee and calves is much leaner. My friend once made a remark that my face is a bit skinnier.
I am not too concern too much. My only concern is if i look sick skinny. U know, ppl who are very ill. As long as it is healthy skinny, i have no problem with that.
That won't help your problem. Have you consider counting your calories? My friend (Will at is losing weight (slowly and healthily). He makes sure his calories intake is a bit less than calories expended. Can you do the opposite? Make sure u eat abit more than you will burn off. Perhaps that will balance out your weight (which leads to the same shirt size)
Thanks Cliff, have not started counting calories yet, perhaps I should do that. Then again, if I start eating more, wouldn't I gain weight instead of staying about the same? After spending so much on my 8kg bike, the last thing I wanna do is gain 4 kg and negate whatever weight gain I have on it. :)
Sounds like you are losing inches instead of weight. If you are concerned that you are too thin, you could look to see what the ideal weight is for someone your height. But, it all depends who the comments are coming from. What do your athlete friends think?
Take it from a formerly fat guy. I feel your pain. I get that remark every now and then. I think people are just used to the fat Benny and have a hard time getting used to the new and improved version. Don't get offended, be proud. It shows how hard you have worked. And the clothes thing, ya it sucks to pay all that money for new clothes. I have to say though, I am dressing better than ever. All my new clothes are pretty nice and I feel great in them. I went from a 42 waist to a 34. Feels great! Nice work and keep it up.
Mica: Good point. According to my body mass index, I am right smack in between overweight and underweight, so I guess weight wise I am ok? You are probably rite, the people telling me I am losing weight too fast are not exactly the "athlete" type. :)
Iron Benny: Sounds pretty much like the boat I am in. Thanks for affirmation!
Yeah, what Mica said. That is what I was going to say. If you're at an OK weight-for-height and an OK BMI, then you're OK.
Now, me, I just trained for and completed an Iron-distance without losing an ounce. :-( Must be 'cause I'm a girl... a middle-aged one at that...
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