"In the spirit of sharing positive testimonies, the Lord has also been reminding me to think of my role as a husband/father as a Ministry unto Him. So when I got upgraded to [biz class] on the way back, it was easy for me to give up the seat to my dear wife.
To be painfully honest, I would probably have given my wife the seat anyway (not that it has happened before - I have NEVER been upgraded before). The difference is that I would have done it out of (my own) common decency and probably spend the whole flight stewing over what a great sacrifice I have made, and how tough it was to manage the 2 boys by myself in cattle class, and how [my wife] would have to be extra nice to me because I am so nice to her, etc... :) Instead, this time I did it simply because I remembered my ministry to be a good hubby/father. Of course, God honours the lil things we do for Him, and His grace is more than sufficient when we obey Him, so I had a great flight with my 2 boys in cattle class - we had a blast travelling together, spending some quality (and quantity) father-son time and I even managed to get them to nap on the noisy flight. God is good, He answered our prayers for a safe, fun and pleasant trip home, even though it was abt 15 hours door to door. The boys weren't even grumpy at all (neither were the parents). ;)"
It's amazing how in small ways we can see God's Grace.
I am always in awe in the result from the little things we do influence us the most.
Cliff, Amen, God is good and He is interested in our little details!
Susan, have a blessed 2006 with many happy running miles!
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