All that time busy at work means my tri training and blogging have taken a step back, but I am happy to report that I am still sticking to my Intentional Discipleship goal of daily Quiet Time (QT) with the Lord. Thanks to my daily QT, although I have been busy, peace still reigns and my stress levels have been largely under control. Praise God!
Aero Bars

[ So sorry Tri-MaMa, I still can't believe I missed your very kind offer by 30 mins! :( ]
The DEDA Clip One is similar to the DEDA Clip Black (picture in my previous post on clip on aero bars), except it is made of alloy (instead of carbon), 10g heavier (400 versus 390 grams), and half the price at $170 Singapore dollars (about $100USD). Yes, once again the "bargain hunter" in me surfaces. :) Best part is that it arrives at my friendly LBS (Local Bike Store) on Tues, so I get to use it for at least one ride before my holiday in Australia. That kinda makes up a lil for the dissappointment in missing Tri-Mama's comment.
[ Cliff, I will be posting pics of my bike with the new aero bar, accompanied by a full report on what I have learnt about clip on aero bars once I have a chance to try mine out. :) ]
Running Lights

- Some months back, I went to the local army surplus store and asked them to make a race belt for me out of the bountiful (and cheap) thin belts and clips. Cost: $1.50 USD
- I rummaged through my old bike stuff and found a old LED light that I don't use anymore. Cost: $0 (okay, maybe $10 USD if I have to buy this new)
- I put the two together and, hey presto, the world's cheapest running light.
Not exactly rocket science, but I just love it when junk comes together like that. ;)
Thanks Kewl :)...
as long as it's all good :D
I use a head lamp and a red blinker when I run late or early. there lite and I think necessary equipment for the 24 hour athelte.
Nice belt!
Running lights have proven a mixed blessing, for me. I always wear my strobe flasher when running in low light conditions. There is no missing this thing, and it is plainly NOT a car. I'm sure it's helped keep me safe.
It has also served as a magnet, resulting in a couple near misses. I don't know if the light lulls drivers to sleep, or if it's like a will o' wisp they have to follow. One driver came so close to hitting me that they struck the curb I scrambled over. I believe that one had to be aiming at me.
So, in addition to the light at night, I always wear my Road ID when running or biking. It's a cheap means of getting vital information to people if I have a medical emergency.
Have fun in Australia. Get some rest and recharge the batteries.
sigh - me too... havent been cycling - instead been busy thinking about buying the Look KEO carbon pedals ;p
Thanks all for dropping by!
Cliff: Looks like I will not be able to post in detail about aero bars until after X'mas. Work and family have both been taking up a lot of time these few days. Will just post a couple of pics!
Commodore: Run safe! I like the idea of the "24 hour athelete" - gonna test that tonight by going for my ride after care group meeting. :)
dgc: Thanks! Cheap too. ;)
Tom: Yikes, that's scary!
Keith: DO IT, DO IT! You gotta get the KEO!! Every ounce counts.
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