Yes, it's official! By the grace of God, I have completed my 2nd Sprint Triathlon yesterday - the New Balance Corporate Triathlon. Official timings and pictures have yet to be published, so watch this space for updates as I get them. :) All in all, I think I was quicker by a couple of minutes compared to my 1st Sprint Triathlon.
It was pretty much the same course, except there was a storm the night before, which turned the transition area into a mudbath! My original transition spot was about ankle deep in water, and just as I was about to panic, some kind soul diverted me to a dry(er) spot further down the line. The bike push and run lanes were all soggy and wet, and everyone ran and biked with wet shoes. I have never got so much mud on a road bike before, and it didn't help that my bike is only a few weeks old!

The swim stage was pretty much the same, with similarly disorientating currents, but my Aqua Sphere Seal swim mask worked great, and I did not experience the same nausea after the swim that I did last time around. The bike leg was technically slower - half the distance, twice the laps, and wet in some sections - but thanks to my new feather-light bike, I am pretty sure I went faster than the last time. The run was pretty much the same, but a lot more comfortable than last time as this time I wasn't feeling like I was gonna puke! Also no cramps this time.
Praise God indeed for a fun and safe day out!
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