Okay, there's no hiding now, the results are already out. Compared to my 1st Sprint Triathlon, there was minor improvement in my race timing for all 3 events, which is consistent with the (lack of) training I have been putting in. The biggest gain I made in terms of timing was on the bike, and this in spite of me not being able to ride my bike much at all due to recent business travels. so I guess my investment in the new bike really paid off! ;) In terms of race position, I was slower than two thirds of the participants! Guess there are a lot of fit young men in Singapore...
In the spirit of sharing and learning, here's some learning points from my 2nd triathlon:
- Having a Triathlon Pre-Race Checklist helped cut my packing time in half. Felt almost professional getting everyting ready. No last minite jitters and sneaky feelings about forgetting something this time!
- Remember the learning I had from my 1st triathlon on getting properly working equipment? Well, this time I have the Polar 625X, and it worked great with no major drama except (a) during the swim, the watch was not able to receive my heart rate measurements in the sea water (worked fine in pools), and (b) during the bike, the watch could not receive my cadence measurements as I did not bother to transfer the watch to the bike attachment. I think next time I may forego all the hassle and just wear a simple watch... Somehow the engineer inside me is driven by the need to collect data and the Polar 625X is just the tool to do that!
- Extra socks is a great idea even if there is no rain. It rained the night before and the transition area was literally a mud bath- my socks got wet even before the race started just by sloshing around in the mud looking for my bike parking spot. It felt great to be able to change into dry socks before the bike leg.
Photos of the event will come once they are available...
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