Sunday, April 16, 2006

Life is a Race... Part III

I know I promised to stop after Part I and Part II, but somehow I still feel that something is missing from the analogy of life being a race, and it dawned on me what I missed a few days ago. It is like running in a marathon or a triathlon where the organiser/judge is our own Father. A Father who has the strength of character not to compromise His own principles and our well-being by giving us short-cuts to finish the race. A Father who loves us enough to demand that we do not compromise His rules for the race. In His love, He has not made the race any shorter or easier for us, knowing that the training/race in itself is a important and enjoyable process for us. Instead as we stay in the race, He Himself runs the race WITH us (not FOR us).

On a related topic, when I was out cycling with R1 & R2 a couple of weeks ago, we came across this mother cycling with her children and it brought to mind Jesus' sacrifice for us - She put up with the humiliation of riding on a bicycle with training wheels, and carried the weight of her children's bags, just so that her children may have the freedom to enjoy the ride.

But if Jesus' sacrifice ends here it would be nothing more than a touching story. The highlight of Easter is that Jesus is ALIVE! And because He is alive, we do not need to be weighed down by the world at all! To borrow the words of one of my favourite songs:

"Oh I feel like dancing,
It's foolishness I know,
But when the world has seen the light,
They will dance with joy
Like we're dancing now!"

So as you "dance" in the water, on the bike or on the run this week, remember that our training is like a "dance" for our risen Lord - it is a physical expression of our adoration for Him. You will be amazed at the energy level He gives you. :)

Train safe and God Speed, everyone!


Linda said...

You do live an interesting life. Nice pictures.

qcmier said...

Happy Easter!!!

Once again, great thoughts. I think the race analogy is wonderful and so simple to understand.

Don't good things come in threes?

Cliff said...

Happy Easter Kewl...hooray for Jesus...he conquered death for us.

This weekend, despite celebrating my b-day..i had a lot of thoughts about what Jesus had done for us. I also look back on all the times when he was there taking care of me.

Yes...when I am on the bike..i am definitely "dancing" :)

Chris said...

Happy Easter! :)

Papa Louie said...

"He runs the race with us"!! And it's good to have a dance partner!
Well said! Peace in Him!

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

If you watch me run, sometimes it looks more like dancing (blame it on the MP3).