Saturday, October 14, 2006

Polar Opposites... Part II

Papa Louie left a very pertinent comment about 2 Corinthians 5:21 - "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (NIV) - which really brings to bear the extent of the sacrifice that Jesus made.

I am guessing that what hurt Jesus the most is probably not the pierced wrists, the thorn of crowns, the whipping/punches/kicks, not even the insults and humiliation, but the fact that as He hung on the cross, He became sin, and felt the full scorn/wrath of God. Perhaps this is why He cried out "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). I can imagine that as God looked down at Jesus on the cross (His very own incarnation and Son) , for a brief moment, He saw the sin that Jesus represented on the cross, and withdrew His love even from Himself. God is spirit, which is why I guess that is probably the greatest hurt that Jesus felt on that cross.

Another pertinent comment from Papa Louie is how do we share about Christ to those who feel that they are living a good life and don't need God? This is a tough and very worrying one. Even Jesus said "I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." (Luke 5:32, New Living Translation). I am the most worried about those around me who feel they don't need God. So many people find God in a crisis that sometimes it seems that our God has to bring a crisis into our lives just to bring us back to Him. But, if that's what it takes for my loved ones to be saved, so be it. Better a crisis in this life than to forfeit eternal life in God's kingdom.

R2 is sick with stomach flu - high fever and throwing up just about any food we put in him - so he is quite a miserable lil' camper. Thank God that he is at least able to retain some fluids and is still peeing (a good sign that he is NOT dehydrated). Gave him some good old Staminade so we can get some carbohydrates and salts in him. Hope there's no side effects in kids! Maybe it will make him the Iron Man that I never will be. :)

Oops, got carried away as usual, looks like what I had intended for Part II will now become Part III once I have some time to post. Train safe and God Speed!


tryathlete said...

Hope R2 gets better soon.

Ellie Hamilton said...

I wonder whether Jesus actually felt forsaken when He shouted "Why have you forsaken me?" I think he was praying Psalm 22, which he would of course have known by heart. The rest of the Psalm describes suffering remarkably similar to what Jesus was experiencing (believed by many to have been written in prophecy.) I picture Him screaming out that Psalm as a way of saying, "Yes, yes, that is exactly how it is, word for word; Thy will be done once more but I can't take this!!!!!"

Cliff said...


I find it the most interesting with people is that they would believe horroscope and other superstition. But when Jesus, that is as real as it gets came here with a real solution for some of the biggest problem we deal with (why we suffer, what is life all about, how do we find a fulfilling life etc), ppl will choose not to accept it. Perhaps sometimes we do not want to face this reality??

Nancy Toby said...

With all due respect, Cliff, there are those of us who do not agree with your conclusions and beliefs about Jesus. The fact that we disagree does not mean that we are not facing reality!

Papa Louie said...

Thanks for the verses (Matt. 27:46 and Luke 5:32)to think about. To disagree is OK it just means we are where we are and live according to what we see. Only the Lord can reveal who He is and what He desires. Many times I ask the Lord to show me what is 'real' and what is the 'lie' and to show me His purpose.