Monday, March 05, 2007

Dancers Who Dance Upon Injustice

We were singing this wonderful song in church 2 Sundays ago - "Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble" - and the verse "Dancers Who Dance Upon Injustice" really spoke to me.

Some of you know that I have this romantic notion that our swim/bike/run training is kinda like "dancing" before the Lord because I believe that when we train, we are using our bodies in a way that pleases God. How many of you, when faced with injustice, frustration, and other similar tough times react by heading out the door for a swim, bike or a run? I tend to do that, because there is something about the solitude of training which reminds me of what's really important in life, of how small I am in the overall context, and of how blessed I am to be able to swim, bike or run. There's something about moving (how ever slowly) on my own propulsion that reminds me of the freedom that God has given us, the freedom to choose to do the right thing, the freedom to live life to the fullest ("The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" John 10:10). How kewl is it? That Jesus gives us all the freedom to dance upon injustice?

Last Sunday was my turn to take on the Toddler's playgroup in church. As usual, I procrastinated until Saturday night to start preparing for the lesson, which means, as usual, I was a little less prepared than I would have liked. But, God's plans always work in spite of our weaknesses. It turns out that another parent thought it was her turn, but did not have enough time to prepare either (at least she has a valid excuse - she was moving house on Saturday). And it so happens that she has prepared only worship and bible reading, while I was prepared to do the art & craft - so it all worked out perfectly. The kids were taught a new song, and had a "live" locust to look at when they were told about the plaques God sent to Egypt to free his people, and after all that, they got to make macaroni and cardboard fish necklaces. Praise God! Next week, we swap (I'll do worship and bible reading, and she does the art and craft), so hopefully the kids get another interesting session and learn more about our Lord. :)

On the training end, I didn't get to do much "dancing" in India - just 8km of intervals on the hotel treadmill followed by strength training (squats, lat pull down [back], bent elbow lat pull down, push ups and ab crunch with twist). Got back to Singapore on Friday morning (overnight flight - hardly slept), had a good rest on Friday, and headed out for a 50km ride / 5 km run on Saturday afternoon, but I found the bike to be really tough and even had to walk for 500m towards the end of the run. Can't understand why I felt so sore minutes into the ride even though I only did that one run and strength training (in the same session) while in India?!?! I was so wasted after the gruelling session that I had to stay in the cold shower for 10 mins just to cool down. Even had to lie down for a bit before I could play with R1 & R2. Maybe I am just getting old and all this travelling is finally getting to me... Maybe it is the MacDonalds dinner I had on Thurs before the flight back (it was the most healthy option - I did not dare try a cold sandwitch and I was sick of greasy Indian food from the cafeteria)... Maybe I shouldn't be training in hot humid tropical afternoons anymore... Maybe I should just shut up and head out more! :D

Until next time, "dance" safe and God Speed!


Cliff said...

Didn't realize in Singapore, they McDonalds meal include apple as well. :)

This post speak straight to me. The training and even the procrasination :)

Ellie Hamilton said...

I love the Dancing on Injustice thing! Love it! And that training is dancing for the Lord. I think he loves to have us do it, as much as we love to do it. He made us able and is given joy when we use his gift.

Robin said...

oooooh! but I see an apple!

Bullet said...

You know I'm glad you get that out of training. Usually I feel a little guilty for running out and jumping on my bike for a while. It feels like I'm running away from my duties a bit. I'll think about your post for a while.

Deb said...

LOVE that song! Be well!

Tri-Dummy said...

I try to balance how much emphasis I put on triathlon...and each of us is different, having our own thorns. I try to ensure I don't turn triathlon into my God and in turn, become to focused on self.
Very fine line, for me.

Kewl, my brother, you have a good grasp on what comes first in your life. It's refreshing and a great testimony to those who frequent your blog.

Fe-lady said...

This is why I spend many Sunday mornings in my "church"-running or cycling and thanking the powers that be that I can indeed "dance"!
Nice thought-provoking post and cute kids!

Papa Louie said...

dance with injustice hits it right on the head. I need to remember this these days. To get out and run and not let the injustice swallow me up. Peace

Deb said...

I love how you strategically placed the apple next to the Mickie D's meal!!! LOL! ;)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your post. It's always good to hear someone's thoughts. I agree, I think God created us with the desire to enjoy life, and some of us really enjoy physical activity.