Not the best situation to come home to, and not the best business trip that I have had either (but more on that later).
Well.. Praise God that He answers our prayers! The doctors just called to confirm that there is no fracture at all. Just a bad sprain, so as soon as the swelling goes down, off comes the splint.
Glad to hear the finger is ok, what a cutie. My answer to your intentional discipleship question, by His grace yes-by His grace and mercy we can try to glorify Him and we can tri and glorify HIm. Just like being in but not of, it is tough because the temptation is always there in tri to make much of ourselves and forget the whole point of our chief end-to glorify God by enjoying him forever. Keep up the blogging-
Good news. My son broke his finger earlier this year when he fell down our stairs...
Hi Tri-mama, well said (again)! So often I laspe into putting too much emphasis into my training/fitness (or lack of) and forget that the prime place in my heart should be Him and not the training. Yes, let's chose daily to enjoy him forever!
Hi Flatman, thanks! All part of growing up I suppose, but it is good for us parents to know that the Lord is working in partnership with us to watch our lil ones!
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