Thursday, November 16, 2006

Down for the Count

Sorry I have been missing from the blogsphere - both from posting and from visiting my favourite bloggers. I have caught a cold and have been feeling pretty miserable about not being able to continue training.

What is worrying is that I definitely see a trend developing here over the last year:
  1. Not training enough, gain weight, feel guilty about not training more.
  2. Rack up training volume, reach something like 2 x run, 2 x swim, 1 x bike and some strength training a week, lose weight, fall sick.
  3. Back-off training while recovering, go back to step 1.

What's this about getting healthy and fit? The cycle above seems to be repeating itself every few months. Is the weight gain/loss a sign that I am not eating right? I am 1.85m and my weight fluctuates from 78 to 80kg between steps 1 and 3, so I am not over-weight, but getting worried about being under-weight. (What a amazing turn-around, I was quite a bit over-weight a year ago.) Any tips guys/gals? Just what am I doing wrong?

Until next time, enjoy your training (I am green with envy) and God Speed!


Trifrog said...

I'm wondering how much you get back into it after Step 3 each time. Do you go back to the same training volume? Do you attempt to get back there as quickly as possible?

Maybe starting back really slowly and adding volume much more slowly in the future will allow your body to recover better (from the exercise) and not weaken your immune system to repeat that last part of Step 2.

Iron Pol said...

Trifrog has a definite point. Adding lots of volume too quickly can definitely hurt. I've been fighting colds ever since I went to the daily swim plan. It's a lot more swimming than I'm used to.

You should also examine your diet if you're losing weight you don't need to lose. I have a few more pounds until I start adjusting more calories into my diet. If you don't have enough good food going in, you'll be susceptible to illness.

Lastly, while a good dose of motivation can help, try to make it good motivation, instead of feeling guilty. Every day you get out is a good thing, and find something to reward yourself for achieving a goal. And give yourself a smaller something for working towards and missing that goal.

D said...

Bummer. No advice to give but I hope you feel better soon.

TriDaddy said...

Couple of thoughts...

Yes, make sure you're eating right. But also, why do you think you are losing too much? None of my friends even workout and are much more overweight than they think. To them, I am too skinny (5 ft 9, 166 lbs, so I'm not obviously too skinny) You've got to keep the weight thing in perspective.

For me, sickness sets in when I don't get enough rest. Prior to training for IM, I always completed 100% of my workouts. But when work and family issues came up, well, they couldn't be ignored either and I sacrficed sleep, got tired, got lazy in regards to eating HEALTY, opted for fast food, and spiraled into sickness.

My rule of thumb for IM was to skip a workout in my best discipline (Swimming) whenever I started feeling overwhelmed with work and family.

Rachel said...

Hope you feel better soon.

You'll figure out a good training pace. I used to be afraid if I took a day off, I'd never start up again. You have to trust yourself and do a little something every day. Baby steps.

Robin said...

Hi. I think tarheeltri's comments are very interesting. Feel better and rest.Rememebr that rest & goo dnutroitaion are just as important as your traiing. In fact, they are two keys to good quality training and workouts.

Robin said...


Question: uh, and what about good typing skills? I CLEARLY don't possess THAT. But, I think you can still make out what I was saying above ;-)

Feel better.