Friday, May 26, 2006

So You Think Your Bike is Clunky?

Again, the daily contrasts in Delhi proves to be a humbling experience. I was sweating in the car this morning (the car overheated and the driver refused to turn on the air-con), feeling irate at having to be couped up in a HOT car under the sun, in the 45 degree Celsius (113F) heat. Then I saw this poor delivery guy straining on his bike, trying to keep it from tipping over, dodging the infamous Delhi traffic, amid all that dust the cars and motorbikes are churning up. Gives a fresh perspective on things doesn't it?

Thanks Ellie for checking up on me. Yes, I have been not been posting for a LONG time, and as you can see from my training log, I am not getting much training time either. It's been a very busy time for me at work and I have just started on another travelling spiel - 5 countries (India, Singapore, Finland, Indonesia, Bangkok) in 4 weeks. Thankfully the indonesia trip is a much needed holiday and I plan to take a few days off in June to cool off.

For those of you kind enough to ask, the two main reason for me missing the Olympic Distance Singapore Triathlon is
(1) my lack of fitness which started with the cold that put me off training for more than 2 weeks
(2) my hectic travel schedule now which makes training near impossible.

But... I will be making the most of the situation and doing some running in the gym while I travel. Will also be doing at least one Sprint Triathlon (Corporate Triathlon). Meanwhile, I will just keep training and hope for a Olympic Triathlon to come sometime before end of the year.

Train safe guys & gals, and God Speed!


Anonymous said...

Your blog continually encourages me, even if you aren't going to do the oly tri. I hope you find some respite from work and get some down time soon.

Cliff said...


I know u ain't posting b/c u are busy with life :0. But that pic really shows it. compalin abut my bike now.

Keep up with the good work, Kewl. I think with little training u can rock those triathlons.

Rachel said...

I can't believe that pic of the guy with the mattresses on the bike! That would suck.

Good for you for adjusting your goals and still sticking with it. The sprint tris are so much fun. It's so hard to keep training while traveling. At least you can get some running in.

Deb said...

wow...amazing when God taps us on the shoulder and reminds us to 'check yourself'...huh? That kind of thing is constantly in front of us..what's important is that we're aware of it. You've got it goin on.. family, work, training. Sometimes life requires we 're-scheule'. Good luck with your calendar! ;)

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Heh hope you're feeling better now. Colds really suck and my second one this month is almost gone.

Sometimes when we complain we really need to put things in perspective and that pictures says it all.

Like you because of the lack of training I'm readjusting my next race and downing it from a full to a half. I really wanted to do a full this year but I just don't see it happening.

Ellie Hamilton said...

Is that a real picture you took!! Not something you got off the net!!

You hang in there... that bike guy is a metaphor for all of us in life, pulling whatever it is we pull trying not to tip over...

Kewl Nitrox said...

Thanks everyone for the wondeful surprise - 8 comments in a day is a record for my humble blog! :)

Also for the support and the encouragement, of course.

Yup, that is a real pic I managed to snap with my phone. It's hard to imagine that in this day and age there are are still lots of people etching a living out of the fringes of poverty.

Going for a run now while I am in town and the kids are napping. Followed by my 1st ever swim lesson in 30 years! :D

Steven said...

That is a great picture! Did you take it yourself?

You could have offered to ride it for him for a bit and get in some training...maybe not!

qcmier said...

You're going to Finland?

I did 6 countries in 4 weeks once; not fun. I found myself trying to pay for water in Deuschtland with Mexican Pesos.

Hope you continue to train and travel safely.

Iron Pol said...

Well, my bike is a bit clunky, but that will soon change. I get my new tri-bike on Thursday. Go me, I'm in waist deep, now.

Trisaratops said...

5 countries in 4 weeks?!! Whew! That made me tired just thinkin' about it! :)

Hope things go well and you can find time to train and relax, too! Great pic by the way!

Papa Louie said...

Hope your schedule gets back to normal so you can focus on trianing.